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Ph.D. Dissertations Advised

​Vitor F. T. (2019). Two Dimensional Search Algorithms for Linear Programming (Doctoral dissertation). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Hickman R. E. (2014). Generating Cutting Planes through Inequality Merging for Integer Programming Problems (Doctoral dissertation). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Hooker K. J. (2005). Hypergraphs and Integer Programming Polytopes (Doctoral dissertation). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

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M.S. Thesis Advised

​Phillippe, B. A. (2019). Clustering through Simulated Annealing using Measurements of Extremity - The SAME Heuristic (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Verschelden L. G. (2017). Integrated Optimization and Simulation Models for the Locomotive Refueling System Configuration Problem (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Newell S. (2017). Optimizing Daily Fantasy Sports Contests through Stochastic Integer Programming (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Talamantes A. (2017). Lifted Equality Cuts for the Multiple Knapsack Equality Problem (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Bolton T. C. (2015). Generating Cutting Planes through Inequality Merging on Multiple Variables in Knapsack Problems (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Kubik K. M. (2015). Fútbol Strategies Applied to Optimize Combinatorial Problems to Create Efficent Results – The Soccer Heuristic (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Vitor F. T. (2015). Improving the Solution Time of Integer Programs by Merging Knapsack Constraints with Cover Inequalities (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

DeLissa L. (2014). The Existence and Usefulness of Equality Cuts in the Multi-Demand Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Whittle S. (2014). The NFL True Fan Problem (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Strieby J. (2012). The BCS Algorithm: Optimizing Crane Schedules on Multiple Bays in Conjunction with Continuous Time Simulation (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Bailey J. P. (2012). Octanary Branching Algorithm (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Morrison T. B. (2012). Synchronized Simultaneous Approximate Lifting for the Multiple Knapsack Polytope (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Irvine, C. N. (2012). Suns: A New Class of Facet Defining Structures for the Node Packing Polyhedron (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Pavelka J. W. (2011). Sequential and Simultaneous Lifting in the Node Packing Polyhedron (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Beyer, C. A. (2011). Exact Synchronized Simultaneous Uplifting over Arbitrary Initial Inequalities for the Knapsack Polytope (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Muggy T. L. (2011). The SMART Scheduler: A Revolutionary Scheduling System for Secondary Schools (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Harris A. W. (2010). Generating an Original Cutting-Plane Algorithm in Three Sets (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Lee J. H. (2010). Theoretically and Computationally Improving Branch and Bound through Multivariate Branching with Internal Cutting Planes (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Becker K. W. (2009). Optimizing Defensive Alignments in Baseball through Integer Programming and Simulation (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Bolton J. E. (2009). Synchronized Simultaneous Lifting in Binary Knapsack Polyhedra (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Conley C. L. (2009). Cliqued Holes and Other Graphic Structures for the Node Packing Polytope (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Pahwa S. (2009). The Theory of Simultaneous Lifting: Constellations in Conflict Hypergraphs (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Anderson J. E. (2009). Simulating Epidemics in Rural Areas and Optimizing Preplanned Quarantine Areas using a Clustering Heuristic (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Carlyle K. R. (2009). Optimizing Quarantine Regions through Graph Theory and Simulation (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Kubik L. A. (2009). Simultaneously Lifting Multiple Sets in Binary Knapsack Integer Programs (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Sharma K. (2007). Simultaneously Lifting Sets of Variables in Binary Knapsack Problems (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

McAdoo M. J. (2007). Three Set Inequalities in Integer Programming (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Gutierrez M. T. (2007). Lifting General Integer Variables (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Huschka B. (2007). Finding Adjacent Facet-Defining Inequalities (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Parker B. J. (2007). Project Allocation and Anticover Inequalities (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Shrauner J. (2007). Greedy is not Feasible for the Traveling Tournament Problem (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Kayarat D. (2005). The Quadratic Polyhedral Clustering Algorithm – A New Method to Cluster Microarray Data (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Chinn K. T. (2004). Implementation of the Cluster Matching Heuristic to Solve Large Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Singireddy A. (2003). Solving the Longest Common Subsequence Problem in Bioinformatics (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

Surve P. (2003). A Spanning Tree Heuristic for the Optimal Labeling Problem (Master's thesis). Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, USA.

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